Daring Fireball: Siri Is Super Dumb and Getting Dumber:

Old Siri — which is to say pre-Apple-Intelligence Siri — does OK on this same question. On my Mac running MacOS 15.1.1, where ChatGPT integration is not yet available, Siri declined to answer the question itself and provided a list of links, search-engine-style, and the top link was to this two-page PDF listing the complete history of North Dakota’s Class A boys’ and girls’ champions, but only through 2019. Not great, but good enough.

New Siri — powered by Apple Intelligence™ with ChatGPT integration enabled — gets the answer completely but plausibly wrong, which is the worst way to get it wrong. It’s also inconsistently wrong — I tried the same question four times, and got a different answer, all of them wrong, each time. It’s a complete failure.

I’ve been saying for a while that most LLM-based “assistants” will be worse than what they replace. Older assistants were limited in domain, but largely pretty good at what they could do. LLM-powered assistants don’t know their own limitations.