Weeknote, Sunday, 12 Mar 2023
Is it just me or are the weeks at the moment a weird mix of being both extraordinarily long and incredibly short? It’s like time is bending in on itself somehow.
Despite the snow, this is the time of year when the garden starts to spring into life. The daffodils are out and weren’t muscled into submission by the cold. There are small rabbits, this year’s batch, bouncing around the garden. They will sit outside our patio doors eating the odd blade of grass because they haven’t yet learned that humans are an immense threat, but they are wary.
Yesterday we went into that there London to see Travis Alabanza’s Burgerz at the Southbank. It was magnificent: alternately funny and heartbreaking and an absolute wake-up call that trans people need our support because what they are going through is terrifying. If you get a chance, see it – or if you don’t, get the book.
There are many things about living in London which I don’t miss. Even though I grew up in (what became) a city, the council estate I was born on was right on the edge of it. The countryside was a ten-minute cycle ride away, and of course, if you head north from Derby you are very quickly into some of the country’s most beautiful landscape. Where I live now is also on the edge of a city, although Canterbury is a very different one from Derby.
What I definitely miss about London, though, is the culture. The ability to get on a tube and 30 minutes later be in the National Gallery, or the V&A, or on the Southbank was brilliant. Despite its rich history Canterbury is a bit of a cultural wasteland: if you want art or interesting events, you have to head to the coast. Ramsgate, Folkestone, and of course, Margate are all more culturally rich than Canterbury, which is in thrall to its past. Never live in a place where half the city centre is a world heritage site.
I finally caved in and bought Elden Ring, after about a billion people recommended it. I’m only a few hours in – five hours play time, apparently – and I’m not that impressed. I think my issue is that the world is just too open: and so far, at least, there isn’t much in the way of a world to interact with. All I’ve done is kill things and die, with a smearing of a story on top. Maybe I need to explore more, but so far it feels dull and very focused on grinding.
Getting it running meant getting my gaming laptop updated and working well again. It’s been about six months since I started it up, as I dropped out of playing Elder Scrolls Online after playing it consistently. I think I will get back into it once I’ve been through some of Elden Ring (enough to confirm that I don’t like it). MMORPGs have been a consistent part of my life for over 20 years after I first started playing Ultima Online. From UO, I went to Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, and then ESO. I even have a statue of an orc riding a warg, which was sent out by WoW to everyone who had played for ten years from the start (I was actually in before then, in beta).
Weeknote, Sunday, 05 Mar 2023
This will be a bit of an abbreviated weeknote because I have a lot to work on today. In particular, I want to get some more writing done because I have been a TOTAL WRITING SLACKER this week. Although that wasn’t all my fault.
I spent a couple of days this week with work in Poland. The main thing that I’m working on currently is an international project, which means I spend a lot of time with colleagues in Poland and Germany on Microsoft Teams calls. It was good to meet some of them face-to-face for the first time.
It was a flying visit both literally and figuratively, as I flew out from Stansted on Tuesday morning for meetings in the afternoon, stayed over for more meetings the following morning, then back to the UK in the evening. My biggest discovery (apart from I know not a single word of Polish) was that I like pierogies, especially when it has potatoes in it.
Flying, though, is not something I enjoy that much. Back in the late 90s/early 2000s I did a lot of it, mostly transatlantic, and it cured me of any notion of flying as romantic or exciting. I enjoy new places, but the logistics of flying in the post-9/11 era are just painful. Both Stansted and Modlin are small airports, which are usually more interesting and fast to fly from than big ones like Heathrow, but even so it’s just a dull and stressful way to travel. Next time I could go by train – it takes a day, but that’s all time when you can work (and I quite fancy the idea of going from London to Amsterdam to Berlin to Warsaw as it sounds quite intriguing and romantic).
Even though the trip only took a couple of days, it dominated the week. I had to stay over at Stansted on Monday night, as getting there for an 8am flight (arriving two hours earlier) would have been brutally hard. Add in packing time, returning time, unpacking and all the other things which surround the act of travel, and you have much of the week disappearing into nothing, or, as Jerry Pournelle used to say, “the time was eaten by locusts”.
What I've been writing
And suddenly this week I realised that I had the first draft of a chapter, which was a lot more than I thought I had achieved. What I actually need to do with that story is sit down and do a proper plot for it. One of the things that I have noticed about writing is I tend to dive in and write, then lose the will to live as I try and “pants it”. I have a rough outline, but it’s not enough: I need to think more carefully about what each scene is there to do, and how it advances the story. Of course, I can change it as I go along – I’m not going to turn down a great scene which doesn’t relate to the plot at the point of writing – but at least if I have a more detailed outline I can see the way forward when my writing gets into the weeds.
That’s part of the fun of what I’m doing: I’m learning how to write in a way which is unfamiliar and which challenges me. And I am definitely not too old for a challenge!
What I've been reading and watching
Reading has been a bit slow this week, although I got a fair amount done on the trip. I’ve been reading Constance, by Matthew Fitzsimmons, which is a sort of techno-thriller which I think I picked up as a freebie on Amazon Prime. It’s OK, but not my usual genre, and I can almost see the plot laid out before me just from having read the first chapter.
One thing I had noticed about myself is my tendency to drift into comfort reading, going through books that I have read before and which I find both easy and relaxing. I did some of that earlier this year when I raced through Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, and I am doing a bit of it again at the moment.
This time round it’s a drift through Arthur C Clarke’s Tales from The White Hart. It’s a collection of short stories written in the “club tales” style, which was popular in the early part of the 20th century. This takes the form of several short stories which are all bookended as if they were being told in a pub or club, and it’s a nice conceit. It would be interesting to do something reinventing that style for the age of the internet. What’s the equivalent of the club tale for the internet age? The Reddit romp?
Weeknote, Sunday 26th February 2023
Looking through some old documents, I rediscovered Cory's notes on a talk that Danny gave at Notcon in 2004 on todo.txt (I might even have been there, who knows?) Todo.txt was (and still is) a text-based format for task management designed to be incredibly simple to use and -- most importantly -- to be completely portable. The bare bones details of it are, of course, on Github, and there are apps around that support it for every platform you can think of.
I have grown to love systems like this for a bunch of reasons. First, tools which start off with the simplest and most human-readable file formats are likely to have longevity over ones which hide their content inside a database. The popularity of formats like Markdown (which I am of course, writing this in) demonstrates that. Todo.txt is 20 years old and still bubbling under. Can you still access your to-do list from 20 years ago?
(Although, of course, the inevitable rejoinder to that is, "and why would I want to?")
Second, they are canonical examples of creating tools that are capable of being used in incredibly simple ways to start with. You can start using it with just a text file, any editor you like, and a list of tasks with no fancy bullets. You don't even have to add prioritisation if you don't want to, although that's a good place to start! You can use GTD-style projects and contexts... or not. And of course, if you want to add your own metadata, you can.
That's the opposite of tools like Things, Todoist, Microsoft To do or the million and one other apps which promise to sort out your productivity through the power of technology. Nothing can do that -- the only thing that can is you writing things down, reflecting on them, and hopefully somewhere in the middle of those two activities doing whatever you need to do.
In other digital archaeology, I also found that Maelstrom 3.0 is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. Damn, where did that week go?
At the start of the week, I was also doing quite a bit of thinking about AI tools like the new Bing Chat (which Microsoft is now trying to reign back into being just a conversations search tool) and how they will impact on publishing. Short version: they will encourage a race to the bottom in quality, but that will mean a premium gets put on what you might call "handmade content". This has been the story of every technology so I don't think writing will prove to be anything different.
You never know. Maybe the inevitable profits from this will go to universal basic income and a four day work week rather than lining the pockets of capitalists. Ha ha who am I kidding?
Stuff I've written
I have basically written a big update to my article on how to get Scrivener working on Linux (I've found a reasonably reliable way of making it work on Fedora too) but need to do an edit before I post it. It's basically a ground-up write and much improved.
Stuff I've been reading and watching
I had thought that Twitter's decision to limit SMS-based 2FA was stupid because they retained a notably insecure authentication method for paying customers, but Ricky Mondello's article on it changed my mind: it's stupid because they aren't retaining it for everyone. Ricky works for Apple on stuff like the iOS/macOS password management features, so they know what they're talking about.
This week I made a quick canter through Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers. I had forgotten quite how little the book is satire and quite how much it's a distillation of Heinlein's political ideas written into what we would now call a "young adult" novel. I loved that book as a kid for all the reasons that kids love good YA fiction: it doesn't patronise, and it makes you feel like you're reading something just a little more grown-up than you should.
Fortunately, I also read M John Harrison's The Centauri Device around the same time, which is very much not a YA book but had an equal and opposite effect on my young politics. I must be due a read of that again soon.
Weeknote, Sunday 19 February 2023
It's been a week of what I would call "faffing": poking around at the decaying corpses of ideas and projects and deciding whether they are, in fact, dead and it's time to move on or they might -- just might -- have a chance of resurrection. Spoilers: most of them were, in fact, deceased.
I did a bit of technology faffing too. I wanted to update my guide to getting Scrivener up and running on Linux to include Fedora, which didn't work the last time I tried it. I had some ideas on how to get it running but didn't have anything with Fedora on it. So I backed up my ThinkPad, wiped everything and did a Fedora install. Yes, I could have used a virtual machine. No, I didn't want to do that because I love tinkering.
After a few days of fighting with Wine, I gave up. I got a lot closer to making it work -- this time around I could get Scrivener installed and running, but couldn't register it. I know what the problem is, and it's a weird one which can be fixed by installing the Microsoft Speech API, but unfortunately, I just couldn't get that to work. Precisely the same process and packages work fine on Ubuntu-based systems, so it's something odd and unique about Fedora. Eventually, I gave up.
So as well as a trip to Whitstable for a ridiculous sandwich at Grain and Hearth, yesterday involved rebuilding the ThinkPad using Pop!OS, and restoring from backup. I pondered going to Ubuntu 22.10 instead but decided I would miss the tiled windowing system of Pop. It's a little overdue an update, as System76 are rewriting the entire user interface in Rust, but it still feels a lot more friendly than Ubuntu. Opinionated, but in a good way.
When exactly did I become a Linux user? Although I'm tempted to blame Cory for this, the serious answer is "since Microsoft started turning Windows into the kind of system which reports back far too much user data and effectively spies on you." I don't mind optional telemetry going back to developers to improve software, and when it's opt-in I generally do exactly that. But Windows seems to be heading on a track to being a giant data capture system to power Microsoft's advertising growth, which makes me really uncomfortable. I should probably write something longer about this at some point.
Of course I'm still knee-deep in Macs and other Apple devices. But I really enjoy using the ThinkPad with PopOS. It takes more time to set up and tune to precisely what your needs are, but once you've done that it's simple, reliable and doesn't tell a vast company exactly what you're doing all the time.
What I've been writing
Having invested that time in failing to make Scrivener work on Fedora I have completely rewritten my blog post, and it's almost ready to be published. It's been a sluggish week on the fiction side though. I revisited an idea I had a while ago for a series of interconnected stories about a girl in a post-apocalyptic world who makes friends with Death (they bond over a scrawny chicken). It's fun just writing a set of little stories in the same world without having an overarching structured narrative. While the story takes them about four billion years into the future, everything is just character development. And it has a nice ending, deep at the end of time.
What I've been reading and watching
Having finished John Sculley's Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple, I've picked up Gareth Powell's About writing again. It's an interesting book, but it is a bit like a compilation of blog posts. Nothing wrong with that, but it means it's not really all that structured. If you want a book about the work of writing, Antony Johnston's The Organised Writer is better, and if you want a book about the craft of writing, there are a lot of other options. It's not bad, but if you know much about writing, I think you will breeze through it.
This week we watched -- finally -- the first episode of Happy Valley, and that was enough for me. I didn't like it at all. Too graphic in a way which felt like it was going to appeal to voyeuristic sadists who enjoy making women suffer.
Meanwhile, there was the first episode of series three of Picard, which picked up where the last series left off by being nowhere near as good as the first one. And has everyone forgotten that Picard is an android now? That feels like it might be important to how other people treat him, but it's ignored.
Weeknote, Sunday 12th February
Quiet week.
I went along to give blood on Wednesday, only to be turned down because my iron levels were too low. Nothing, apparently, to worry about -- they were 128 and the minimum level is 135 -- but something I'm going to keep an eye on anyway.
Today we headed over to Folkestone with our friend Edward. While Kim and Edward met up with Judith, their old drawing teacher, for a bit of cake and a chat I went into the newly-opened Fond for a cup of coffee and a good read.
Reading and watching
I've been rereading John Sculley's book Odyssey: From Pepsi to Apple. I got a copy given to me when I started at Apple in 1989, and I remember reading it and learning a lot. It's a blend of Sculley's story, including the period when he booted Steve Jobs out of the company, and business advice, which holds up well.
It's often forgotten Sculley took Apple from a $1bn company to a $10bn one, a major feat of growth. He also made a mistake at the start of the history of the Mac of pumping up the price by $500 per device to pay for a massive advertising campaign, and he kept Apple's margins high.
In some ways, Apple is still the company Sculley built: high margins, well-designed products, and proprietary technology. After Sculley left, Mike Spindler and then Gil Amelio attempted to take the company in different directions, towards more generic hardware and licensing MacOS. When he came back, Steve Jobs returned Apple to the model which Sculley had set -- which was ironic given he had been "exited" by Sculley.
Weeknote, Sunday, 05 Feb 2023
Sometimes weeks are quite fractured and this was one of those. Bitty. Lots of little things happening which get in the way of doing an actual project. The kind of week where work of all kinds of a bit three steps forward and two steps back.
I have been spending too much time tinkering with technology and not enough doing the things which actually matter: reading, writing, culture and people.
Some of what I need to do is get my little office space more sorted. It’s about 50% there, but I need to do some rearranging of furniture to make it Just so. The new chair is good. It’s really nice to be in a chair with some lumbar support. I didn’t know that I needed it until the moment I had it, then I realised I really did need it a lot.
I’ve also switched over to using the Keychron K2 keyboard, which I think suits my writing style a lot more than the Das Keyboard. The Das Keyboard is built like a tank and gives a really satisfying keyboard action and THUNK but I think I prefer the feel of the K2 overall. It’s a little softer and nicer to type on for someone – like me – used to using a laptop keyboard. The one thing that I’m not 100% sure about yet is what angle to have it at. The highest angle is too sharp. The middle one feels OK and I suspect is better for my posture. The one that I really like the one which is flattest, so I am going to stick with that for a while and see how it goes. I can certainly touch type on the K2 really quickly, which is nice.
But on the flip side of that, I doubt I would be able to bludgeon a zombie to death with the Keychron, and I am certain I could do that with the Das Keyboard.
What I've been writing
- Santa’s little helper,a piece of flash fiction about someone who may or may not be something of a trickster god.
- About 2000 words of the Alice and God story, which I have decided really needs a bit of work on its outline and structure. I mean some serious surgery – the plot as is just isn’t hanging together and it’s lacking pace. Some work required.
- A couple of other very short pieces, one called Death to Humans! and a second one which is a bit of a cliched story about paintings, which I should just polish up and get out there.
What I've been reading and watching
This week hasn’t been much of a reading week, which is my own fault. I often find that after finishing a book I’m at a bit of loss to what to read next, so I have to dive in and make myself read something – anything – until it sticks. I’m about a quarter of the way through Gareth Powell’s About Writing, which is an enjoyable little book about, erm, writing. Did I mention it’s short? I like short books.
Weeknote, Sunday, 29 Jan 2023
This week has mostly been a cavalcade of getting things sorted in my little office. I finally decided that it was time to get a new chair. The one I have been working in for the past couple of years was really only intended to be the kind of thing you sit in for an hour at a time, reading and writing the odd letter. It looks lovely but when your life is basically one long Teams call it’s not that comfortable.
So I now have a decent but somewhat ugly chair which lets me sit more comfortably, and which I can lean back in (maybe for a small snooze?). On Tuesday a new filing cabinet will arrive which will let me get rid of the ridiculous amount of paper that I’ve got lurking around. And next weekend I am going to spend some time clearing out, vacuuming and generally turning my office space from a bit of a tip to something that’s much more enjoyable to sit in a work.
I have even got myself a new wastepaper bin. Never let it be said that I don’t live a rock and roll life.
I’m still futzing around trying to decide what the optimum keyboard is though. There are two options: the Das Keyboard (built like a tank, sounds like something from the 1970s, wired) and the Keychron K2 (smaller, neater, Bluetooth or wired, probably couldn’t be used to bludgeon a burger to death as you could with the Das Keyboard). Both of them use the same kind of switches, although the feel is a bit different thanks to the difference in housing and size. The K2 has some clear advantages: I prefer the feel of it a little, it can be set up at several different angles and it’s a little less like listening to an exchange of machine gun fire. Both are really good keyboards. The K2 is also backlit which can be useful in some circumstances.
Part of rearranging my desk space has involved moving the Mac mini from its normal place beside the display to underneath a screen riser. The riser is just big enough to also house an Apple external DVD drive (I am gradually ripping a load of music which is still on CDs) and the CalDigit Thunderbolt dock, which was one of the best purchases I made.
The Mac mini is one of the loveliest Macs I have owned. It’s the base level M1 version, with just 8Gb of memory and a paltry 256Gb of storage, but it’s perfect for the kinds of things I do with it. Most of my files are synced to the cloud anyway, so my actual storage needs are a lot lower than they would be with some other machines. It’s absolutely silent and the M1 is surprisingly powerful not just at the day-to-day tasks of work but also occasional video and audio editing. Sure, if you are spending your entire life editing videos you probably want more memory, but for me? Nope. 8Gb turns out to be just right.
Did I mention it’s silent? I love that.
What I've been writing
This week I have mostly been working on the Alice and God story which I started on a while ago. It’s been going well: I have worked on it every day and although I haven’t been writing a lot I’ve been writing regularly and that’s the most important thing.
What I've been reading and watching
This week I finished The Organised Writer by Antony Johnston. It’s a short book which canters through getting yourself organised to write, covering everything from time management for writers to sorting out your invoices to setting up your home office environment. I think a lot of the advice is good for anyone who works creatively and it’s already bumped up my productivity quite a bit. Highly recommended.
Weeknote, Sunday 15 January 2023
This was quite a busy week for work, with many meetings and even a day in London at the new offices (the first time I have visited, and very nice). It was a little bit less of a week for other stuff, apart from reading and watching interesting things.
I think I have a trapped nerve in my back though, which isn’t going away and which is proving to be a bit of an issue as it limits the amount that I can easily walk and stand. The good news is it doesn’t affect cycling – different muscles, different posture – but at some point I have to talk to the doctor about it and probably get to an osteopath. I can tell its a trapped nerve and not muscle strain as, a while after it has kicked in, I get a numb feeling down the front of the thigh on the same side, which is where that set of nerves heads to. The pleasures of getting old.
What I’ve been writing
To be honest I have done more farting around with technology than I have done writing. Something I have to fix in the coming few weeks. I have ideas, but ideas are ten a sodding penny.
What I’ve been watching and reading
This week I dived headlong into watching The Rig on Amazon Prime and it is fair to describe it as poor. Some of the acting was good – Iain Glen and Owen Teale are proper pros – but the plot had so many holes in it it looked like a pure wool jumper in a house full of clothes moths. The CGI was second-rate, despite apparently being quite expensive, probably because every external shot from the rig and of the rig was CGI. It ends on a cliffhanger that’s obviously a desperate attempt to drum up enough interest to make a second series viable, but without ever really making the characters believable enough to care about them. When a writer throws in the Hail Mary pass of making a character pregnant about two-thirds of the way through the series, you know it has reached the point where no one cares about these characters, and they are just throwing the kitchen sink at the page.
My bad reading habit of putting aside one book and starting another (often something I have read before) reappeared this week, when I temporarily dropped Becky Chambers’ A Closed and Common Orbit in favour of picking up M John Harrison’s short story collection Settling the World. The good bit about short story collections is that I race through them quickly. The bad bit is they are like getting all my calories from sugar. Although, to be fair to me, Harrison’s shorts aren’t always easy meat: a story about how embedding an axe into your face becomes fashionable is… well, weird.
The biggest “watch” of the week is Empire of Light, Sam Mendes’ new film, which would be a shoo-in for the Best Picture Oscar in another year. However, because St Steven of Spielberg has released a film which is not only semi-biographical but a love letter to making movies, he will win, and everything else will get consolation prizes.
In this case, those consolation prizes should include a bunch of technical Oscars – the lighting is amazing – as well as Olivia Coleman getting a second one, Micheal Ward getting at least a nomination for best actor, and you can take your pick of Toby Jones and Colin Firth for best supporting actor. Everyone in the supporting cast is excellent. A little shout out to Tom Brooke, who you might recognise from his role in Preacher and who turns in a lovely little performance full of kindness and light.
This is definitely cinema season, with both Tár and Enys Men coming up soon, plus More than Ever. Lots to see.
Weeknote, Sunday 8th January 2023
This was the first week back at work since the middle of December, so it was a bit of a shock to the system. Good to see everyone I work with, though.
The good news was that my MacBook Pro was brought back from the dead by our local independent Apple dealer. It had been dead for several months after a failed update to Ventura (thanks largely to our poxy broadband), which led to a strange “cryptographic error” happening every time it tried to update anything. I assume this was down to the disk encryption going wonky, but I decided to nuke the whole thing from orbit (it’s the only way to be sure) and reinstall Monterey, then make a fresh attempt to update.
Of course, that update failed too. So I tried wiping the whole disk and promptly lost the ability to see it, even via Target Disk Mode. Once I had tried using Apple Configurator to fix it — the last option available — and that had failed, it was time to bring in the experts. And a day later, I had a working, upgraded, very blank MacBook Pro.
It’s been good to get back to using a Mac laptop after quite a while when I didn’t really have one (my old MacBook Air is also in need of a wipe and install), using Mac-native tools like Ulysses rather than cross-platform ones. And the Pro has a 16in screen, which feels much less cramped than the 14in one on my ThinkPad. Even though it’s the last generation of Intel Macs, it’s still an excellent machine with a few years of life left in it.
This has been a bit of a frustrating writing week. I reached an impasse with the Alice and God story, which I started before Christmas because I had done a rough outline of the plot but reached the point where I needed to flesh it out a bit more - and I was trying to write my way through it instead. That doesn't really work for me: I either need to know nothing about what's going on (in which case I discover it through writing) or have a reasonably solid idea of what a scene is supposed to do in the plot (in which case I can give it some direction). So back to the plotting board!
And because I love tinkering around with tools, I will start using Ulysses again rather than Scrivener. Don’t get me wrong — Scrivener is an excellent application for putting together anything long-form — but I think it’s a bit fussy, and I like the idea of having all my writing in one place. At the moment, it’s split between Ulysses and Obsidian (blog posts and short-form) and Scrivener (long-form), and it’s not quite gelling for me.
Reading and watching
Also, a quiet week for reading: I restocked the unread books stack with a few items.
Currently reading: Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World by Jason Hickel 📚
Yearnote, 2022
When the first day of a year falls on a Sunday, I suspect it's a good idea to look back on the previous year. A yearnote, if you will.
I could look back at the year's posts and pick out highlights, but as it's about a year, I think it's better to look at the key themes that defined 2022. Obviously, these are things I can talk about -- so there's nothing about work here -- and I've chosen to look at the positives rather than the negatives, which I will save for my journal.
With that context, the year has three themes: rediscovering writing, focusing more on my health, and reading. A lot of reading.
Rediscovering writing
I've been a journalist for (as of two days from now) 28 years. That seems fantastical to me as I still think of myself as the new kid on the block. This year forced me to accept that wasn't true, and I realised that what I do now in journalism is managing, mentoring and advising. I don't really write much.
And one thing that's been consistent throughout my career and life is that I love writing. I got a typewriter as a teenager because I liked writing stories which turned into Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, and my handwriting was… not great (it still isn't). I learned to touch type at 16 at further education college because you had to do a Wednesday afternoon activity, and sport bored me. After that, I was a student and wrote, and then I was a journalist and wrote. So writing has always been there.
I needed an outlet for my writing. And importantly, I didn't want to just do more blogging about technology. One thing I hadn't done was a lot of creative writing because I've always believed I don't have the imagination to make stories up. So I decided I wanted to give it a go.
First, I took a small weekly course based in a pub with a lovely writing tutor and a friendly group of people. I can't think of a better introduction to creative writing than doing it in a summer pub's garden, and we have continued meeting since.
That led to doing a five-day fiction introduction down at Arvon in Totleigh Barton. Tutored by the wonderful pairing of Charlene Teo and Michael Donkor, it was enormous fun and super-helpful in terms of my writing. But, most importantly, I think I found my voice: I had been writing how I felt I should note, and now I write how I want to write. And again, our group has stayed in touch. I don't think I had realised quite how social writing can be.
One of the lovely moments was talking through a story idea I had been working on with Michael, which I had always envisaged as a short story. I had struggled a lot with it because I had to write short -- and Michael said, "this isn't a short story. It sounds like a novel to me". I had always veered away from writing a novel, and it started me thinking about why. I realised two things: first, that I lacked the confidence to complete it, and second, that I have so many friends who have written novels that I think I've been intimidated by the idea. Michael helped me get over that, and if I ever finish a book, it will be down to the help and encouragement they gave me.
Focusing on my health
The big revelation about my health this year was that post-COVID, I need to take regular care of myself. Getting COVID the first time coincided with increased blood pressure and, because of less activity, putting on weight. Going from 10,000 plus steps per day when I was in the office to less than 5,000 working from home was always going to have an impact.
But this year, I started making some positive steps. For the first time in my life, I've been a regular attendee at our local GP for everything from booster vaccinations to blood tests to check that I'm not developing anything more serious. I've started taking medication to reduce my blood pressure (now at a decent level), and I've been looking after my vision with more regular check-ups at the opticians.
In 2023 this will continue as I develop more healthy eating and exercise habits, where simple changes will make a lot more difference.
Doing more reading
I was pretty surprised to find that I read 27 books in 2022. That's the most I had read since the internet happened when all my reading shifted to computers. And it's also been a wide range of books, not just trash science fiction (there's been some good science fiction).
I'm really pleased with this. Reading and writing go hand in hand. The biggest thing you can do to improve your writing is to read more. So it's probably not surprising that rediscovering my love of writing has also prompted much reading.
What's also helped is using a new Kindle, the Scribe. I have always wanted a bigger Kindle. While the Paperwhite I have is excellent, it's always felt just a little too small. And being able to write on the Scribe with little notes is also a fun way to add commentary, even if the comments don't show up in my Readwise notes. It's always interesting to me how a shift in a device can also shift your interest in a process.
Going down the Twitter memory hole
Yes, yes, the network is under immense strain as people flee the Elon strain infecting Twitter. But come on, there are folks who really believe this is going to replace, or even stand alongside Twitter, as a massively scaled social network? I call bullshit. While it’s impressive that millions of users have apparently given Mastodon a try, the product is far too slapdash and clunky to keep folks engaged
I'm surprised M.G. can't remember back to the early years of Twitter, because I know he was there and suffered just as many fail whales, lost posts, and crappy errors as I did.
Also worth remembering: as Ben Thompson has pointed out, by the objective standards of modern internet corporations, Twitter failed. It's too small to be an interesting scale play and offers no advantages to advertisers over Facebook. Advertisers used it because they don't like to put all their eggs in a single basket. Journalists used it because all the journalists in the world are on it, and we're gossipy little monkeys who like to show off to all our friends.
That said, this oversized profile with media professionals meant that Twitter had an oversized influence on the media (and so political) landscape.
But, but, it’s not a product, it’s a protocol. Yeah, that’s a nice thing to say. And to believe in. But I truly believe the ship has sadly sailed for such idealism in this space.
I disagree. I don't think that M.G. or any of the very comfortable Silicon Valley folk who have made the uber-capitalist VC world their home really understand quite how much the ground is shifting. Their world is drawing to a close. Something new is happening, and not being beholden to massive corporations is part of it. It will be interesting to see where it goes.
Weeknote, Sunday 25th December 2022
I feel like in the past week I’ve travelled the country — and that’s mainly because I almost have. Last Saturday I travelled back from Devon to Kent, then on Thursday we drove up from Kent to Cumbria, where I am at the moment. We’re staying in lovely Ambleside, at a friend’s place (on our own).
Of course I love it and have a bunch of memories of the Lake District. It was a place where we went on family holidays a lot when I was a kid: here, along with Devon, Cornwall and the Cotswolds. My parents discovered country cottage rentals when I was young and after that pretty-much every holiday involved a drive to somewhere in the middle of nowhere, a small rented house and a lot of fun.
These parts of the world are very evocative for me, and I’ve always loved the countryside since. We arrived after dark and in the rain (of course), and so didn’t see the view at the back till the next morning. It was quite a view to wake up to:

I would, of course, quite happily live somewhere like this. The irony that we have better internet here than where we normally live (2Mb “broad”band FTW) is not lost on me.
Christmas presents were, of course, opened this morning: Art supplies for Kim, and a lovely replacement Lamy Studio pen plus one-off notebook for me. We had agreed a price limit: Kim cheated. Fortunately so did I.
Now it’s Radio 3 till the King’s Christmas Message, then there will be dinner making the and some TV watching, then probably reading books. Kim is even darning. We appear to have become domestic, rather than feral.
I’ve been working a little on the Alice and God project this week. This is a maybe-novel length story about a woman who meets God (as you do) and goes on an adventure. It doesn’t quite feel YA territory, but it’s fun and light. One of the things I’ve been working on is using humour to counterpoint seriousness and threat, and there’s a lot of that here. It has to be a serious story, with danger for the characters (and maybe, just maybe, one of them doesn’t make it), but the humour which is intrinsic to my writing style is there.
One of the resolutions for next year is to establish more of a rhythm to my writing. I like the idea of two blog posts a week, one piece of micro-fiction, and some work on bigger projects, but that feels like a lot when I’m also holding down a full time job. We’ll see.
Reading and watching
I finished Becky Chambers’ The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. I really like her writing, but there are definitely parts of the book where you can see that it was published in chunks, with some of the chapters almost being short stories in their own right. There’s nothing wrong with that at all, but it means that the overall plot is a bit in the background (and there’s not much to it). But i still enjoyed it a lot and now I’m on to A Closed and Common Orbit, the second in the Wayfarer series.
Because we’re away we (OK, I) have got out of the habit of just putting “the telly” on, which means I haven’t watched that much of anything. Being more intentional about what I watch is definitely a theme for the new year!
Weeknote, Sunday 11th December 2022
This week has been almost my last time at work this year. I’m off to the middle of nowhere for a five day writing retreat tomorrow, returning on Saturday, then back at work for two days before I break for the year. Amazingly I have managed to get through the year and use up all my leave, which is a pretty rare event (I get nagged about this by my managers every time).
Despite being a journalist for 28 years (gulp) I have never really done much creative writing until this year. One of my goals for 2022 was to go on a creative writing residential trip and I’m quite surprised at myself for having actually arranged it. Like most people my years tend to start with a bunch of promises and commitments which I only realise I haven’t done in December. This year appears to be different, but now that leaves me with the dreadful job of following on in 2023 with something else.
The last couple of days have been marred by me getting a particularly nasty cold, which kept me off work on Thursday and consigned me instead to either bed or the sofa underneath a blanket, gently whimpering. There’s definitely been a theme this year of getting minor colds whenever I spent any time out – and the start of this week involved a day-long workshop with work, plus of course Stereolab was last weekend. This the post-lockdown phase of an overall lack of immunity, quickly bred in by not being constantly around people. Or it could just be that there’s a lot of bugs going round. Maybe the experts know.
Things I’ve been writing
Quite often the answer to “what shall I write” is “start writing something about the last thing you read/watched/ate/saw”. That, though, can be a bit tricky — particularly if “the last thing you saw” is the movie version of On The Buses, one of the most low-rent but incredibly popular sitcoms of the 1970s. It was on ITV3. Don’t judge me.
But there is always an interesting tangent, if you spend a little time looking. In this case it was the story of Bob Grant, one of the main actors in the series. Despite having a really good track record in serious theatre – he was directed by Joan Littlewood in a few things, and Joan didn’t suffer bad acting gladly – Grant become horribly stuck in typecasting hell, and apart from a few one-offs and panto barely worked again.
He ended up making three suicide attempts over the years as the debts and hopelessness mounted with the third one being successful. It’s an incredibly sad story.
Just after reading this I watched a 1987 Arena “day in the life” piece about Jeffrey Bernard, the legendary boozer and occasional journalist who bestrode Soho in what might have been its more creative period. Bernard too had something of a sad end. Thanks to the drinking, he descended through diabetes to having a leg removed, which made him virtually housebound in a small shabby Soho flat. Unable to do his habitual routes from Coach and Horses to bookies to Colony Club, he withered away.
So I started writing something which I wanted to get into Bernard’s voice and after a few paragraphs it morphed into the story of an actor, like Grant, who struggled to get parts after national success. Three thousand words later, I have the kernel of a decent story, called “Bill and Trudy”, about an encounter between our Bob/Jeffrey amalgam (called Bill) and a homeless girl called Trudy during the height of the first wave of poverty caused by Thatcher in the late 1980s. I want it to be fun and upbeat and not too serious, but the end (which I’ve written already) is potentially a bit downbeat. It will be fun to see where it goes.
Things I’ve been reading and watching
Having cantered through Harry Turtledove’s Three miles down I’ve continued in the SF vein by diving into Ken MacLeod’s Beyond the Hallowed Sky. It’s an interesting romp through robots and faster than light travel which makes it sound horribly cliched, but it’s actually fun so far. It is, weirdly, the first book of MacLeod’s that I’ve read, which feels very remiss of me.
Weeknote, Sunday 4th December 2022
Thursday saw the arrival of my Kindle Scribe, which I pre-ordered on the day it was announced. I've long wanted a bigger Kindle because the smaller ones just aren't that great for reading on, and although my iPad is huge, it's also got a lot of distractions on it, which make it less suitable for reading. The ability to write on it is a bonus, but I'm surprised how effective adding comments using the pen is. It's like adding little Post-Its, which is exactly how I work with paper books.
Big trip to that there London yesterday, when we caught up with a lovely friend over from New York in the Royal Festival Hall bar, then headed to see Stereolab with another lovely friend. There was dancing -- well more shuffling around from me -- and this morning, an inevitable plethora of aches. Kids, if you're under 40, look after your body. Do yoga or something. Don't eat so many pies.
All that means today involved a greasy spoon breakfast -- well, 1pm breakfast -- plus many cups of reviving tea and a sofa.
One other thing today has been winding down my Twitter account. I finally downloaded the 1.4Gb archive of all my content from it, and used the Twitter Archive Parser on it. This does four things:
- It converts tweets to Markdown with embedded images
- It replaces the t.co links with the originals
- It copies all the images into a single folder, useful for importing them elsewhere
- If an image is a low-resolution version, it download the original
Once that was done I used ByeByeTweets to do three more things: - Unfollow everyone I was following
- Remove all the likes I had put on other people's content
- Delete all my tweets
ByeByeTweets costs a few dollars if you want to delete all tweets (it will do a limited amount for free) but I highly recommend it. I ran into a bug uploading my archive, which you need to do if you're deleting all of them, and emailed them. They responded within a couple of hours and had fixed the error.
So that's pretty much it with Twitter and me! You can find me on Mastodon.
I've written a lot of notes on how to improve a story I've been struggling with, along with an outline of how to move it forward.
Reading and watching
I'm reading Harry Turtledove's Three Miles Down which is, so far, an enjoyably frothy alternate history novel. It's really interesting that I'm starting to look at books like this with a more technical writers eye, spotting elements of foreshadowing and the odd McGuffin.
Musk could make his own phone. But no, he won't.
Daring Fireball: Should Be Easy, Indeed:
The hard part is that what he’s really talking about is making his own phone with his own app store. (Android phones that don’t play by Google’s rules also don’t get access to Google Play Services, which is effectively a closed-source segment of the Android operating system. Outside of China, I’m aware of zero successful Android phones that don’t use the Google Play app store by default.)
This isn’t quite correct. You can create a fork of Android which can access apps from the Play Store, without the Play Store. There are open-source versions of the Play Store APIs, and you can use Aurora Store to access apps with or without a Google account. This is one of the ways Graphene OS uses optionally to run those apps.
But it is hit-and-miss. Like every kind of development which attempts to reverse engineer something, it will occasionally break and apps can go awry. It’s good, but not perfect – and I suspect that were a major figure like Musk to go down this route, Google would have legal teams on it in seconds.
Weeknote, 27th November 2022
My notebook, like my week, is blank. This is not a good sign: when there's nothing scrawled there other than work notes, it indicates my life is moving slightly out of kilter.
That truth is piled all around me in books unread, mugs unwashed, and food left uncooked. It's there in the MacBook Pro near me, still lurking on the to-do list as "fix MacBook Pro" a good month after it first gave me a random "cryptographic error". Thank you, Apple, for making things stupidly easy when they go well and stupidly complex when they go wrong.
I keep reminding myself that my inability to fix it isn't due to age finally stopping me from taking in new information and understanding fresh technology. It's simply that Apple, and most other companies, have put people being able to fix their own technology at the bottom of a long list of priorities. I suspect it's just underneath "Make sure Tim's latte is on his desk at 7 am precisely". And why would anyone want to fix their own Macs? Just visit a Genius Bar, where a friendly blue-shirted barely-trained youth will try and use you to fill his quota of upsell opportunities.
As you may have noticed. I'm slightly out of love with Apple. Less so with the company's products. I still love my iPad Pro (and wish I could make it my only machine), and I have yet to find an Android phone which didn't make me want to run back to an iPhone.
But I wish Apple the company would stop acting like greedy assholes and start reading the room. No, Tim, you cannot sustain a 30% cut of app revenue for the rest of the time. No, Tim, you cannot keep building your devices in a way which makes them hard to repair and then pay sneering lip service to making parts available for them. Those days are over, and if you want to preserve the things which are good for customers about the App Store and your products, you need to accept that sooner rather than clinging on till a regulator changes things for you. Call Bill Gates and ask him how long a company takes to recover after regulators take things out of your hands.
Ah, capitalism.
Things I've been reading and watching
The final episode of Andor wasn't quite the finale I had been hoping for, but it was good. The whole series was excellent, and although it's a cliché to call it "Star Wars for grown-ups", it is still the best description. It's a thriller and a spy story rather than a space opera and an excellent example of what happens when you apply a different genre's set of rules to a world built for another kind of writing.
Things I've been writing
I started a new blog just for creative writing. The first was a piece about a child's Christmas -- OK, my Christmas -- and the second was about a couple of early memories and my family. The third piece was just something super-short about a sound you don't hear much anymore: the ticking of a clock.
I like writing fragments like this (I have a tag in Obsidian, where I do most of my short writing, called "fragments", just for this). Of course, it comes relatively easy to me, unlike plotting which makes me feel like I am pushing a wheelbarrow full of concrete up a hill while the wind and rain come straight down on my face.
Weeknote, 13th November 2022
This week has mostly revolved around the trapped nerve in my shoulder, which came on last Sunday evening. It took me almost completely out of action on Monday and Tuesday, as I just couldn’t sit at a computer and work – sitting up for too long was just painful.
I think that a lot of it is to do with posture, not so much when I’m sitting and typing but when I’m in the endless parade of online meetings on Teams which forms quite a chunk of my work. When I’m in meetings I tend to slump a bit to my left, usually with my hand supporting my chin, which probably isn’t the best position to be sat for a long while.
That’s exacerbated by my chair, which is lovely to look at but not ideal for spending a great deal of time sitting in and typing. The height of it isn’t adjustable, and it’s a little low with a back support which is OK at the bottom but not quite at the right sort of angle for my daily use. To compensate, I’ve raised the height of my monitor so that it’s higher, which forces me to sit more upright when I’m using it.
Of course, this was also the week when the long-awaited Muskapocalypse basically happened on Twitter, which led to some reflection on the state and development of social media. I should, of course, write something up properly about this, but it’s made me understand that the difference between social media now and in 2006 is that the news we think requires immediate delivery to our followers is no longer personal, it’s political.
When Twitter started, it was one of a slew of services which aimed to decouple the “Status” field from instant messaging apps like AIM to a third party which could then provide a brief message about what you were doing to all your friends. My first tweet on December 3rd 2006 was “going for a dump”, and in a scatological way that summed up what Twitter was there for.
It became that, but on a much larger scale: a method of delivering “vital” information in a timely fashion to large groups of people. News breaks on Twitter now, even before it hits the (already fast) 24-hour news services. I doubt that’s a good thing, for reasons which would take a whole post to define.
Weeks which start with being off or sick often don’t turn into particularly productive times, but this one was a little different. We’re at the end point of a phase in the project I’ve been focused on at work, and the beginning of planning for the next phase. That means there’s some breathing room, although there’s still a lot of wrapping up to do (and there will be until the end of the year).
We also went to see Black Panther: Wakanda Forever on Friday (more on that below) and I booked my train ticket for the weeklong writing retreat that I’m going on in December. I’m really looking forward to this, not only because it’s a week of writing, but also because it’s a week with no internet. Yes, that’s right: there’s no Wi-Fi (thanks to the building being ridiculously old and so hard to get connected) and virtually no mobile signal (5G? Forget it). I can’t wait.
Things I’ve been reading and watching
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was good. It wasn’t as good as the first film, but given the awful death of Chadwick Boseman, how could it be? The way it handled his passing and made it a part of the movie was brilliant: sensitive, emotional, everything you could have asked. I think I counted four or five times that had me sobbing, from the opening Marvel logo (which forsook the usual montage of many heroes to be all Chadwick) through to the credits which start with “For our friend, Chadwick Boseman”.
I have no idea why his death has affected me so much – I can’t remember an actor’s death making me feel like this – but I think it is something to do with the impact of the first film and the realisation of how a black movie made me feel. Or maybe how having a movie which attracts a young black audience makes me feel: as with the first film, the majority of the audience at our showing was young and black and very much not the kind of audience you see at most Marvel films. It’s huge, and feels important.
Meanwhile, Andor continues to be the best Star Wars ever made. It’s lazy to call it “Star Wars for grown-ups” but it’s a proper adult thriller set in the universe, and has some absolutely terrific acting in it. Even if you don’t like Star Wars, I would recommend it.
Things I’ve been writing
Not much, is the quick answer. Those two days spent mostly flat on my back meant that I couldn’t write so much – this is easily the longest piece that I’ve written since last weekend – and what writing I did was mostly “manually, in a notebook” which barely counts.
Thinking again about Stage Manager on iPad
The big reason I was eagerly awaiting Stage Manager wasn’t using it on the iPad’s screen: it was the promise of proper second-screen support. I have had a dream of using the iPad with a big monitor for a long time, and Stage Manager seemed to be the solution I have been waiting for.
Of course, we all know what happened next: Stage Manager was a buggy mess, and its external display support was the most buggy part of it. It worked, as long as you were prepared to have your applications crash every few minutes.
Sad to say, it’s not much better now. On the current developer release, external monitor support is back, but once again it’s buggy as hell. Stage Manager on the iPad’s main screen is working well enough to be usable, but forget about docking your device to a big display. Given the state of it, I suspect Apple is going to release it quite a bit later this year.
But here’s the thing: I’ve actually grown to like using Stage Manager on the iPad on its own. The “aha” moment was changing the display mode to “More space”, something that’s only possible on 12.9in iPads (and, I think, only on the M1 currently, although it’s intended to support older models too):

As the name suggests, this gives you more virtual space on screen by making the display work at its native resolution, without any scaling. Text on screen becomes smaller, but the flip side is that you have more space to work with.
And Stage Manager really likes having the extra space. Windows overlap less, making it easier to flip between open applications on stage. You can have bigger windows while also seeing more of the shelf at the side. It just feels more natural and less cramped than the default zoom.
All the criticisms of Stage Manager generally are still true (and if you want a good collection of them, it’s worth looking at Federico Viticci’s article). But “More Space” has made a big difference to me, and now I find that I have Stage Manager on almost all the time. Except, of course, if I want to plug the iPad into an external monitor. That, hopefully, will come.