Some stuff which caught my eyes this week
Oof. Apparently, Windows 11 is installed on just 3% of existing PCs, which is less than Windows 7. That is truly pitiful, but not surprising: there are remarkably few good reasons to update from Windows 10. There are things to like about it but they really are few and far between, and not sufficiently obvious. What will also be worrying for Microsoft and its partners is without compelling software, there's not much reason to buy a new PC either.
Related: Fedora 37 and Ubuntu 22.10 are out soon, with the rather nice Gnome 43 interface. Just saying.
Hey Apple nerds -- or just computer history nerds -- you will like this. Someone has digitised their collection of Apple VHS tapes from the 1980s and 1990s and put them on YouTube. Apple did a lot of video content at the time for training and communications, and I remember seeing some of these when they first appeared. The hour-long video on using OpenStep's cross-platform development tools plus the Rhapsody Blue Box for running classic Mac programmes is well worth a watch. Different era.
Meanwhile, the Tories want to water down your privacy rights online. For a good example of what happens when the rights of businesses to abuse your details become more important than your right to control your data, look no further than India, where commercial spam from legitimate companies has become enough of a problem to make WhatsApp barely usable.
Nick Heer makes a great case for why Apple is completely wrong in opposing charging being standardised around USB-C. It really is, in part, Apple's own fault: you can't stick with a standard which only supports USB 2 speeds for ten years and then credibly claim to move to something better is "stifling innovation".
Gabriele Svelto found a great way to improve performance on Firefox. Also worth noting: if Firefox was distributed in the Mac App Store, it would be banned. It really isn't great that there are public APIs which don't work well and private ones which do.
Obviously, this is complete asshattery from Apple.
Chuck Jordan wrote the best view on She-Hulk I've seen. I greatly enjoyed it for all the reasons that Chuck did.
This article sums up some of the problems with Microsoft's Surface Headphones. I have the first-generation ones, and I like them a lot, but it's a mark of what a market failure they have been that when I went into the Microsoft Store ones wearing them, the security guards stopped me on the way out because they thought I had stolen them from the store. They had never seen an actual person in the real world wearing them.
Paul Thurrott writes about his experience using Microsoft Edge, and he is exactly right. Edge started out as a good alternative to Chrome. It was clean, modern and not burdened with useless features or (importantly) Google's tracking. As Microsoft has added feature after feature, it has become a bloated, confusing mess. You can almost see how every team in Microsoft has wanted a piece of it. And, of course, its "tracking protection" is poor: you will want to add proper tracking protection extensions to it.
Some good news - We Hunted The Mammoth achieved its pledge goal!